Romney's Campaign Gaffes

The Romney campaign scrambled to limit political fallout last week after the leaking of a video in which the GOP nominee made controversial comments about low-income Americans and those receiving government assistance. Here are some of Romney’s other campaign-trail gaffes:

June 2, 2011: Enters GOP race

Sept. 22, 2011: Overheard on a hot mic saying, “Sometimes I think things would be a lot easier if my name were Matt Romney”

Oct. 7, 2011: Accidentally introduces his family members by their annual incomes instead of their names

Nov. 21, 2011: Leans out over hotel balcony and dangles his third son, whose face is covered by a towel, for the crowd below to see

Feb. 12, 2012: Reams out butler in front of entire nation

Apr. 1, 2012: April Fools’ Day prank flops when nobody knows the difference between a croquet mallet and a polo mallet

Apr. 29, 2012: Accidentally has hive of wasps burst out of his chest while on Meet The Press

May 17, 2012: Stays for dessert at a private fundraiser and opens the floor to a few questions

Aug. 30, 2012: While delivering nomination acceptance speech, huge wad of $100 bills falls out of his pocket and thunks audibly on the podium