Rock Concert Ratings

Rock group Marilyn Manson’s current tour—which includes explicit depictions of violent and sexual acts—has met with protests from decency groups, sparking a call for ratings for rock concerts. What do you think?

“I agree that something should be done. I’ve felt this way since 1978, when I saw Shaun Cassidy eat a baby onstage.”

Irene Merrick • Bank Teller

“This is a difficult issue: I’m torn between a deep hatred of censorship and an even deeper one for Marilyn Manson.”

Russell Bossy • Student

“I’m sure teenagers wouldn’t be flocking to these Marilyn Manson shows if they were clearly labeled as carnal circuses of nudity, gore and corpse-fucking.”

Dave Tonelli • Paint Salesman

“I think those rock concerts are dangerous. I was at a BoDeans show once, and a number of concertgoers stood around holding lit cigarette lighters in their hands. It could have started a fire.”

Melissa Goring • Systems Analyst

“Whatever happened to good old-fashioned songs like ’Would You Share A Strawberry Bromide With Me, My Sweet Pollybelle’? Everything today is about the sexy kissing and the holding of the hands.”

Ed Resch • Science Teacher

“The only thing warning labels do is serve to make things even more attractive. Why do you think I drink anti-freeze?”

Tim Langevin • Legal Secretary