Ricky Williams: 'I'm Looking Forward To Being A Toronto Hydroponic'

MIAMI—Ricky Williams announced Monday that, instead of sitting out a year while serving his NFL substance-abuse suspension, he would “absolutely, totally, really, really, totally love to play with the Torontono [sic] Hydroponics” in the Canadian Football League in 2006. “It would be a great way for me to play some football, keep in shape, and show people I’m ready to play some football by getting some playing time in,” Williams said in the 26-minute message he recorded during a 4 a.m. call to a Miami-area television station. “And that’s not even—seriously, brah, you know that’s not even getting into the football I could play there. For the fine people. People of Torino.” If Williams’ transfer to the CFL is approved, his one-year contract is expected to be worth U.S. $300,000 in cash and sandwiches.