Rick Santorum Asks U.S. Populace If He's Still Running For President

DES MOINES, IA—At a campaign stop Monday, former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum asked a crowd assembled in the parking lot of a Hy-Vee supermarket if he was still running for president. “America, I have only one question for you,” said Santorum, who later wondered aloud if he might be mistaking himself for former Utah governor Jon Huntsman. “Am I, Rick Santorum, still a candidate for president of the United States? I think I am, but then again, I may have dropped out months ago because nobody really pays attention to me or cares about what I have to say. It’s like I’m here but I’m not here. Anyway, just let me know if I’m still up for the nomination. Thanks!” Santorum’s question has drawn comparisons to one put forth by fellow candidate Herman Cain, who in a recent speech asked his supporters why he was running for president.