
RFK Apologizes To Family For Super Bowl Ad Featuring JFK’s Campaign Imagery, Music

Claiming that the ad was created “without any involvement or approval from my campaign” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. apologized to his family for any pain caused by his Super Bowl ad that used JFK’s campaign song and inserted RFK into 1960s imagery, despite keeping the ad pinned to the top of his X page. What do you think?

Jessica Vuong, Cocking Assistant

“Whenever I want to earnestly apologize to my family, I do it publicly.”

Jessica Vuong, Cocking Assistant

Adrien Loach, Lunch Planner

“The weirdest part was that it was an ad for Gatorade Frost.”

Adrien Loach, Lunch Planner

Rex Carlini, Executive Therapist

“Americans have no respect for their uncles.”

Rex Carlini, Executive Therapist

Sample front page of The Onion's DNC paper