Revitalizing The GOP

The defection of Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter from the Republicans to the Democrats has left the GOP without enough members to filibuster, and served as a wake-up call to the party.

What are Republicans doing to revitalize their image?

Replacing apocalyptic fear-based rhetoric with more restrained fear-based rhetoric

Now support the removal of feeding tubes, but only to allow for periodic cleaning and reinsertion

Getting Ted Nugent and Sarah Palin to mate, creating the first member of a super-Republican race

Reaching out to young people with Trickle, the supply-side economics mascot

Have already given the party chairmanship to a black man—a black man, for the love of God. Was that not enough for you people?

Now recognizing women’s suffrage

“Getting caught” at independent movie theaters on weekday afternoons

Maybe taking responsibility for at least a couple of things that are currently wrong with the country