
Resistance In Iraq

A sudden surge in anti-occupation violence in Iraq has prompted some Americans to fear the coalition forces’ control is slipping. What do you think?

Frank Himmelbaum • Systems Analyst

“A handful of kidnappings and a few armed insurrections doesn’t mean we’re losing control. It just means that we never really had control.”

Frank Himmelbaum • Systems Analyst

Mandy Wright • Property Inspector

“The insurgents are just jealous that we’re part of an awesome coalition and they aren’t.”

Mandy Wright • Property Inspector

Karl Wright • Mathematician

“Bush did say we’d be welcomed with an open display of small arms.”

Karl Wright • Mathematician

Eric Baker • Lyricist

“They’re calling their latest operation ’Resolute Sword?’ Shit. We have to change our band’s name again.”

Eric Baker • Lyricist

Scott Waller • Waiter

“I hope for the sake of Iraq’s children this doesn’t lead to a civil war. Then those kids would have to watch boring documentaries about it in school for the next 200 years.”

Scott Waller • Waiter

Dorothy Nelson • CPA

“Well, everyone gets antsy around tax time.”

Dorothy Nelson • CPA