Report: There Just Something Dark And Intriguing About Man With Serious Personality Disorder

WESTFORD, MA—Admitting that she couldn’t fully describe the enigmatic allure that drew her to him, local woman Laura Saracen told reporters Wednesday there was just something dark and intriguing about 34-year-old Tyler Evans, a man with a serious personality disorder. “I can’t quite put my finger on it, but from the very beginning of our date I picked up this kind of brooding and mysterious vibe from Tyler that I was really into,” Saracen said of the man with whom she’d gone out to dinner and whose deeply unstable moods, streaks of narcissism, and almost complete lack of empathy for others would meet the criteria for several mental conditions listed in the DSM-5. “Maybe I just go for the the sort of strong, silent type, or maybe I kind of like the idea that he seems to keep so much of himself hidden. Whatever it is, it’s really attractive, and I can’t wait to spend more time with him and find out who he really is under there.” At press time, Evans’ coolly aloof demeanor throughout the pair’s second date, which stemmed from an acute inability to form emotionally healthy connections with any other human being, was completely turning Saracen on.