
Report: CIA Paid Psychologists $81 Million For Ineffective Torture Techniques

The Senate Intelligence Committee’s recently released report on the use of torture on terror suspects after 9/11 revealed that the agency paid two military psychologists $81 million to devise and carry out enhanced interrogation techniques on detainees across the world that were ultimately found to be ineffective. What do you think?

Thomas Monger • Bursar

“This is going to hurt the professional reputation of torturers.”

Thomas Monger • Bursar

Katy Michelly • Crosswalk Attendant

“Well, ineffective torture techniques are better than no torture techniques.”

Katy Michelly • Crosswalk Attendant

Jimmie Amador • Biscuit Salter

“Hopefully the detainees we wrongfully tortured will derive some consolation from the fact that we didn’t get anything out of it either.”

Jimmie Amador • Biscuit Salter