Report: Annie Sabatino’s Boyfriend Like 23 Or Something

RIDGEWOOD, NJ—Corroborating evidence gleaned from several purported sightings of the couple, lunchroom sources reported Tuesday that the boyfriend of high school junior Annie Sabatino is like 23 or something. “I heard from Jessie Kennedy’s sister that he’s a bartender somewhere—he’s, like, out of college,” said classmate Julie Adamo, 17, who plays field hockey with Sabatino and said she saw the unknown older man pick her up from a game on Friday in a “Honda or something,” and it looked like he had a full beard. “Lindsay [O’Donnell] said he lives in an apartment in Wycoff with a couple of roommates. She says he has a bunch of tattoos. You think Annie’s parents know about it?” Sources were unable to confirm further reports claiming that, because she’s dating a 23-year-old, Sabatino can get into any bar now, no questions asked.