
Record Number Of Women Now NYC Firefighters

Following the training of four new female firefighters this week, the FDNY now has a record high number of women within its ranks, though these 49 women comprise only 0.5 percent of the department. What do you think?

Seth Richardson • Paranormal Investigator

“I’ll be damned if I’m going to let a bunch of ladies jeopardize my hunky wall calendar.”

Seth Richardson • Paranormal Investigator

Becky Ladd • Fishmonger

“Four new female firefighters in one year is definitely worth celebrating, but that kind of growth is probably unsustainable.”

Becky Ladd • Fishmonger

Trey Woodley • Mug Tester

“Wow. Fighting fires must be easier than I thought.”

Trey Woodley • Mug Tester