
Record Number Of Gay Characters On TV

A record 4.4 percent of all scripted TV characters on the five major networks are either gay, bisexual, or transgender this season, with a total of 111 LGBT characters across all channels, according to the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. What do you think?

Del Fries • Minister

“Wow, I’ve got to be honest: That’s far lower than the number I’ve been shouting in my church.”

Del Fries • Minister

Sterling Weitzner • Systems Analyst

“And exactly how many straight characters are there on TV? Nobody knows, because the media doesn’t care about straight people.”

Sterling Weitzner • Systems Analyst

Hazel Shepard • Reference Librarian

“One day, hopefully, we won’t even notice their sexuality, and they’ll just become the same under-realized, hackneyed characters we barely acknowledge and completely forget about as soon as the episode ends.”

Hazel Shepard • Reference Librarian