
Record High Unemployment Hits Eurozone

Ravaged by a continuing debt crisis and a sluggish economy, the 17-nation Eurozone has seen unemployment reach 11.6 percent, its highest level in 17 years of data. What do you think?

Romeo Du Prez • Tape Librarian

“That’s terrible. How will all those people be able to afford health care?”

Romeo Du Prez • Tape Librarian

Gerry Worley • Fusing Machine Tender

“They must be itching to get back to that 9-to-12 grind.”

Gerry Worley • Fusing Machine Tender

Jenny Jacquemin • Oyster Culturist

“Well, they better not come here looking for jobs. Last thing this country needs is a bunch of Europeans running around.”

Jenny Jacquemin • Oyster Culturist