
Recently Divorced Man Understands Working Through Emotions Might Take 2 To 3 Days

SARASOTA, FL—Still experiencing feelings of loss and betrayal in the wake of his divorce, Scott Keller told reporters Wednesday that he understood that working through his emotions might take two to three days. “Rachel and I were together nearly 10 years, so I need to be honest and accept it could take till Friday until I’m fully over this thing,” said Keller, adding that he was also willing to give his two young children as long of a phone call as needed to help them understand why they wouldn’t be seeing their dad very much anymore. “It’s not going to be a snap thing. There could be a 72-hour period where I’m absolutely crushed. And I need to remember that even after that, there could be a half-week-long period where I’m adjusting to my new life. I just need to keep my head up and remind myself that eventually, the weekend will come.” At press time, Keller told reporters that he was even considering keeping a journal to track his moods for the afternoon.