Ray Rice Hoping 3.1 Yards Per Carry Last Season Won’t Deter Teams From Signing Him

BALTIMORE—Saying that his past shortcomings shouldn’t necessarily be held against him indefinitely, former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice told reporters Wednesday that he just hopes his meager 3.1 yards per carry last season won’t discourage teams from signing him. “I didn’t do the best job of moving the ball down the field last year—I recognize that and take full responsibility for it—but I hope there are a few teams out there willing to give me a second chance,” said Rice, acknowledging that certain franchises may justifiably be hesitant to sign him given that he only recorded four touchdowns and 660 rushing yards over the course of the entire 2013 season. “Some people might think that a team would be taking a big gamble by putting me on its roster, but I don’t want everyone to jump to conclusions about who I am based on one bad season. I know I can turn things around, and all I’m looking for is the opportunity to show that I can change and become a better football player.” Rice added that regardless of whether or not he receives a contract offer, his main focus continues to be seeking forgiveness from his wife for his 78-yard, zero-touchdown performance in Super Bowl XLVII.