
Rand Paul Filibusters For 13 Hours To Protest Drones

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) held up the confirmation process of President Barack Obama’s CIA nominee by filibustering for nearly 13 hours, protesting the administration’s failure to rule out drone strikes against American citizens on U.S. soil. What do you think?

Josh Hyland • Ring Maker

“By hour six, I was like, ‘Okay, Rand, we get it. Killing Americans is wrong.’”

Josh Hyland • Ring Maker

Kirk Seagrave • Unemployed

“He must have had a really energizing breakfast.”

Kirk Seagrave • Unemployed

Stephanie Dolan • Medical Physicist

“I don’t think I care about anything enough to stand for 13 hours.”

Stephanie Dolan • Medical Physicist