
Pussy Riot Convicted

After making an anti-Putin music video and calling attention to Russia’s crackdown on political dissent, three members of the punk band Pussy Riot have been found guilty of hooliganism and sentenced to two years in prison. What do you think?

Marguerite Sherwood • Systems Analyst

“How come I haven’t heard a word of support out of fellow punk rockers Green Day about this?”

Marguerite Sherwood • Systems Analyst

Damien Schaum • Bird Trapper

“Hopefully this harsh sentence will serve as a warning to youths who might otherwise have pursued a career in the arts.”

Damien Schaum • Bird Trapper

Neil Pomers • Tungsten Refiner

“If hooliganism is a crime, then lock me up. Hooliganism

Neil Pomers • Tungsten Refiner