
Public Wants Troops Home

According to a recent poll, 52 percent of Americans want to withdraw troops from Iraq within the next 12 months. What do you think?

James Pelletier • Linguistics Professor

“Sure, they say that now, but just wait until the troops have been back for a few weeks.”

James Pelletier • Linguistics Professor

Allison Roberts • Systems Analyst

“That’s intriguing, because 52 percent of me wants U.S. troops out of Iraq, too. Is the poll also, like me, 38 percent in support of the war and 10 percent unsure?”

Allison Roberts • Systems Analyst

Ryan Heffernan • Chief Operations Officer

“Ridiculous. I, for one, support our efforts in Iraq, and so do the other gentlemen on the board of Trans-American Cheap Pine Box, Inc.”

Ryan Heffernan • Chief Operations Officer