
Pros And Cons Of Ukraine Joining NATO

Opinion is divided over whether to admit Ukraine to the intergovernmental military alliance NATO, with U.S. president Joe Biden leading those opposing Ukraine’s admission, to the reported frustration of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. The Onion looks at the pros and cons of Ukraine joining NATO.


Economic boost from $15 admission fee

Sends clear message that world won’t tolerate Russian expansion beyond most of Asia and Europe

Raytheon has no objections

Albania is already a member, so how is that fair?

Can stop pretending like we’re not currently at war with Russia


Just bought T-shirt with current 31 members listed

Constant “will they, won’t they” tension adds much-needed spice to international diplomacy


Would be defending a fake country that’s essentially just south Russia

NATO group chat already too large and unwieldy as it is