
Pro-Democracy Hong Kong Protesters Disperse From Airports

Protests in Hong Kong have ended after two days of activism that shut down flights and grew into a violent police standoff, although Beijing has initiated an aggressive disinformation campaign to quell such protests in mainland China. What do you think?

Dione Nicholson • Shampoo-Conditioner Mixer

“If they want democracy so bad, why don’t they vote for it?”

Dione Nicholson • Shampoo-Conditioner Mixer

Jaden Dolan • Number Compiler

“I’m in favor of the protests as long as they do them out of the way where they don’t bother anyone.”

Jaden Dolan • Number Compiler

Adam Lutz • Pilot

“Good, because this baby’s running out of fuel over the South China Sea and I’ve gotta bring her down somewhere.”

Adam Lutz • Pilot