
Prince William Engaged

The engagement of Prince William to his longtime girlfriend Kate Middleton was announced Tuesday. What do you think?

Tom Carthy • Medical Social Worker

“Young man dressed like Thurston Howell III, check. Young woman with a slightly horsey build, check. Obscenely expensive ring from the monarchy’s private collection, check. Yep, looks like a British royal engagement to me.”

Tom Carthy • Medical Social Worker

Perry Ireland • Electric Assembler

“People are probably jumping all over her about being after the family’s money, but she’s been with him for eight years. I don’t see why she shouldn’t be promoted.”

Perry Ireland • Electric Assembler

Marianne Rizzo • Senior Solution Architect

“She knows that being decapitated for not producing a male heir is part of the deal, right?”

Marianne Rizzo • Senior Solution Architect