Presidential Pay Hike

At a hearing on Capitol Hill last week, Congress was urged to approve a spending bill which would double the president’s salary to $400,000 per year, effective January 2001. What do you think?

“I think it’s a bad idea. We want our presidents to be motivated by a lust for power, not money.”

Maxine Banks • Museum Guide

“What? A raise? For the president? No! Now get out of my office!”

Ralph Payne • Technical Writer

“The president should get raises like everyone else: a 35-cent increase after every 16-month period, depending on a good performance review.”

Bart Cordova • Lab Assistant

“Doubling the president’s salary? Sounds risky. That kind of money could corrupt a man.”

Debbie Raiford • Physical Therapist

“If the job only pays $200,000, a lot of qualified candidates might opt to take a job that pays more money. Like, for example, owning a county-wide chain of gourmet-popcorn shops.”

Steve Coburn • Systems Analyst

“I refuse to be president for anything less than 800 grand. Take it or leave it. It’s your loss, America.”

Patrick Hilleary • Groundskeeper