
Planet Made Of Diamond Discovered

Using data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope, astronomers have learned that 55 Cancri e, a planet eight times as massive as Earth and just 40 light years away, is composed largely of pure diamond. What do you think?

Perry Summer • Arboretum Director

“We’re so lame. All we have here is a bunch of dumb water and resources.”

Perry Summer • Arboretum Director

June Shah • Escrow Clerk

“It must be pretty satisfying for astronomers to say whatever crazy shit they can think of knowing that no one will ever be able to check up on it.”

June Shah • Escrow Clerk

Paul Lehel • Fuel Oil Delivery Driver

“Oh, no. This is going to make my fiancée’s ring look even smaller.”

Paul Lehel • Fuel Oil Delivery Driver