Plan For Future Still Involves Drumming For Lifehouse

SOUTH BEND, IN—Fifteen years after first envisioning the path he hoped his professional life would take, local man Brent Gibbs is still planning his future around being the drummer for Los Angeles-based alternative rock band Lifehouse, sources confirmed Monday. “Sure, I’ve been a bit more focused on my business career and starting a family in the past few years, but ever since No Name Face blew up in 2000, my ultimate goal has remained the same: to play percussion for Lifehouse,” said the 32-year-old, who reportedly learned every track on Lifehouse’s first two albums in high school and college, and has plans to retrieve his five-piece Pearl drum kit from storage as soon as his family of four can move into a larger place. “When I think about where I’m going to be five years from now, I still see myself touring with the band, the three of us playing ‘Hanging By A Moment’ to huge crowds all over the world. To be honest, I’m pretty much ready to go whenever they call.” Sources confirmed Gibbs continues to feel disappointment knowing his personal ambition has been, and continues to be, lived out by Lifehouse drummer Ricky Woolstenhulme Jr.