
Peter O'Toole Retires

After a career of six decades, 79-year-old Irish actor Peter O’Toole, famous for his starring roles in Lawrence Of Arabia and Goodbye, Mr. Chips, as well as a life of hard drinking and carousing, has announced his retirement. What do youthink?

Erica Kaell • Prep School Administrator

“I knew his drinking would catch up to him in six decades’ time.”

Erica Kaell • Prep School Administrator

Steve Chapman • Hedge Fund Analyst

“I guess he realized he needed to get serious about bridge to have any hope of ever beating Omar Sharif.”

Steve Chapman • Hedge Fund Analyst

Andre Horesh  • Fashion Consultant

“So you’re saying there’s a position open to become Peter O’Toole? No need to keep hinting. I’ll take the job.”

Andre Horesh • Fashion Consultant