
Penn State Fined $2.4 Million For Handling Of Sandusky Case

Concluding a five-year investigation, federal officials have fined Penn State $2.4 million for their complicity in Jerry Sandusky’s history of child sex abuse. What do you think?

Thom Malke • Microphone Tester

“Whoa, that’s more than 0.06% of their endowment.”

Thom Malke • Microphone Tester

Treacy Bollin • Towel Monogrammer

“Why should the Penn State of today have to pay for the sins of its recent past?”

Treacy Bollin • Towel Monogrammer

Harry Stuebens • Booklet Laminator

“Oh, great. Blame the school for what one sicko did because the school let him.”

Harry Stuebens • Booklet Laminator