
Peanut Allergies May Be Cured

According to Duke University medical researchers, a cure for peanut allergies may be five years away. What do you think?

Jimmy Rawls • Steam Fitter

“Why didn’t you tell me that you were going to mention peanuts? My throat is seizing up already! Quick, the epinephrine!”

Jimmy Rawls • Steam Fitter

Daniel Mahone • Ice Cream Man

“Did you know a peanut isn’t really a nut? It’s a legume! Did you know that? Huh?”

Daniel Mahone • Ice Cream Man

Deirdre Barksdale • Livery Driver

“Can they speed that up? I’ve got a pack of Nutter Butters that expires in 2010.”

Deirdre Barksdale • Livery Driver