
PayPal Now Accepted At 15 Retailers

Online payment service PayPal has struck a deal with 15 brick-and-mortar retailers, including JCPenney and Barnes and Noble, that will enable users to pay for merchandise with their phones. What do you think?

Matthew Dick • Bath Mix Operator

“Finally, the ease of paying for something online combined with the inconvenience of having to lug it around.”

Matthew Dick • Bath Mix Operator

Sadie Cowper • Rope-Machine Setter

“Sweet. Now if I just sell 20 more lots of hotel soap on eBay I can waltz into Penney’s and finally buy that pack of socks I’ve had my eye on.”

Sadie Cowper • Rope-Machine Setter

Bill Francks • Office-Chair Assembler

“I guess since I can’t afford a phone that means I don’t have to pay at all! Yay!”

Bill Francks • Office-Chair Assembler