
Pawlenty Drops Out

Following a poor showing in the Iowa straw poll, former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty announced Sunday he was no longer seeking to become the Republican nominee for president. What do you think?

Damon Chater • Hand Embroiderer

“I don’t see how this is going to help his campaign at all.”

Damon Chater • Hand Embroiderer

Julie Steltmann • Trust-Vault Clerk

“When Ron Paul beats you with hand-painted plywood signs left over from 2007, it’s definitely time to pack it up.”

Julie Steltmann • Trust-Vault Clerk

Jay Diblasi • Goods Layer

“If he can’t handle the results of some silly straw poll, how would he have handled bombing Iran? I need someone who can handle a straw poll

Jay Diblasi • Goods Layer