Partygoer Gets Thoughtful

LAFAYETTE, LA—At approximately 11:20 P.M. Friday night, the festive attitude of local partygoer Nathan Daniels, 34, suddenly gave way to a more thoughtful and introspective mood, witnesses reported. “One moment Nate was pouring everyone shots of Wild Turkey, and the next he got real serious and started talking about Shannon,” said longtime friend Michael Driscol, who also listened as Daniels discussed his “shitty-ass job,” the fact that it was 2011 already, and how one day he thinks he’ll be a good father. “I guess he had a lot on his mind, because he was having these really reflective conversations with different people for like an hour.” At press time, Daniels insiders confirmed the cheerful-turned-sentimental man had once again shifted moods and begun smashing beer bottles with a two-by-four.