
Parental Drinking Supervision Doesn't Work

A new study concludes that teens who drink with parental approval and supervision have a higher risk of becoming problem drinkers than those who wait until they’re 21. What do you think?

Raoul Williams • Handle Maker

“Like I’m going to let the public school system indoctrinate my kid against our household’s preferred brand of vodka.”

Raoul Williams • Handle Maker

Dixie Yennie • Benefits Manager

“Fine, no more alcohol. But I’ll really have to step up my shockingly open flirtation with my son’s friends if I’m going to retain my ’cool mom’ status.”

Dixie Yennie • Benefits Manager

Carson Kitamura • Rabble-Furnace Tender

“Come on, man, my kids aren’t even fun unless they’re a little drunk.”

Carson Kitamura • Rabble-Furnace Tender