Orlando Cabrera Hates Metrodome's Tuna Casserole Smell

MINNEAPOLIS—Recently acquired Twins shortstop Orlando Cabrera admitted Sunday that he is disgusted by the overpowering stench of tuna casserole in the Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome. “Every time I enter the stadium the awful smell makes me sick to my stomach,” said Cabrera, adding that he was unable to determine the source of the foul odor but suspected years of tuna casserole might be ground into the seats, the FieldTurf, and the fabric of the Metrodome itself. “Why does it always stink like rancid mayonnaise and fish? Now the smell’s in my uniform, too. I can’t wait to leave for our road games.” Twins owner Jim Pohlad, who claimed he could not smell anything abnormal, has reportedly denied Cabrera’s requests to air out the Metrodome by perforating the roof.