Omarion Figures He No Longer Famous Enough To Have To Leave Huge Tip

LOS ANGELES—After thanking his restaurant server as she dropped off the check, actor and recording artist Omarion reportedly figured Thursday that his level of fame had diminished to the point where it was no longer necessary to leave a huge tip everywhere he went out. “These days, I think it’s fine for me to tip a healthy 25%,” said the 36-year-old lead singer of the boy band B2K, adding that while he wouldn’t have thought twice about leaving several $100 bills as a tip in the early aughts, there was no longer a need to go overboard. “If it were 2003 and “Bump, Bump, Bump” was topping the charts, that would be another story, sure, but it’s not like Us Weekly is waiting outside anymore. This waitress is too young to have seen You Got Served when it came out, and even if she watched Fat Albert as a kid, she may not remember who I am. At this point, if I tipped 1,000% or left behind the keys to my Lamborghini, it might just be kind of weird. Besides, the last thing I want is to have to do another reunion tour because money’s getting tight.” At press time, the server was overheard asking her fellow employees if the guy who had just left was Nick Cannon.