
Older Prostitute Explains To Younger Prostitute Who Richard Belzer Is, What He Expects

NEW YORK—In an effort to prepare her colleague for an upcoming encounter with the veteran actor Friday night, 41-year-old prostitute Hazel Pierson reportedly sat down with 24-year-old prostitute Lexi Grant to explain exactly who Richard Belzer is and what he expects.

The conversation, which sources confirmed took place in the back room of The Playhouse Men’s Club in East Queens, touched on the range of specific services the 70-year-old star of Homicide: Life On The Street and Law And Order has come to demand from the various call girls he has employed over the past several decades.

“Richard Belzer is one of our best clients, and he expects a high standard of treatment, physically as well as emotionally,” Pierson said of the primetime television mainstay, adding that certain details, such as their meeting in his suite at the LaGuardia Airport Marriott, were “non-negotiable.” “Make sure you arrive early; if you’re even a minute late you won’t be called again. And at exactly 6 p.m., he’ll open the door a crack.”

“Just let yourself in quietly and change into the silk négligée he’s left on the nightstand,” she continued. “Mr. Belzer will signal to you when he’s ready.”

According to sources, after using her phone to show her younger coworker several recent photographs of the actor, Pierson laid out a set of strict guidelines to ensure a successful evening. These reportedly included not asking any questions about Belzer’s family life, film career, or 1997 HBO comedy special, and never discussing rates, since he “always pays in full ahead of time.”

The older escort then reportedly drew from personal experience to convey Belzer’s requirement that any girl in his company apply a particular shade of English Rose lipstick and two sprays of Chanel No. 5—no more, no less—which he typically sets up beforehand on the bathroom vanity.

“Look, I remember how nervous I was when Mr. Belzer and I had our first session, but I know you’re going to do great.”

“Sometimes Mr. Belzer will want you to stay the night, and you just have to do it. You’ll be compensated, of course,” said Pierson, adding that the actor’s desire to extend the visit would become evident if he nuzzled up beside Grant and gently stroked her hair. “Basically, if he gets what he wants, he’s very tender. Don’t worry; there’s never been any funny business, and he won’t rough you up.”

“But if he calls you Louise, just go with it,” Pierson continued. “Once, a few years ago, I asked what he meant, and he just got dressed and walked out. That’s a mistake you don’t want to repeat.”

Over the course of the conversation, sources confirmed that the older escort repeatedly stressed to her less experienced colleague that Belzer’s time was highly valuable, detailing an occasion in 1991, around the time he first gained national fame, when one call girl’s reluctance to remove a piercing had prompted him to refuse payment and storm off back to the set of the television series The Flash.

However, Pierson reportedly suggested that if Grant played her cards right and politely acquiesced to his “very reasonable” sexual demands, she could one day join the elite cadre of escorts favored by the 2008 People’s Choice Award nominee.

“Look, I remember how nervous I was when Mr. Belzer and I had our first session, but I know you’re going to do great,” said Pierson, noting that the actor would certainly be infatuated with Grant due to his predilection for thicker thighs. “Just remember that he’s pretty well-known, and when he asks for something—whether it’s just holding you and looking into your eyes for the whole session, or sending you to the tub so he can watch you bathe—he’s going to get it.”

“All I’m saying is don’t go into this thinking it’ll be easy,” she added. “You can’t just push him around the way you would with Sam Waterston.”