
Okay, Don’t Tell Anyone I Told You This, But I Have A Friend Who Works At The White House And She Said That Biden’s Literally Not Nice In Real Life At All

Okay, don’t tell anyone I told you this, but I have this friend who works at the White House, and she said that Biden’s literally not nice in real life at all.

Like, at all.

Remember when Biden was on the campaign trail, hugging people and smiling? He seemed so warm, right? So compassionate, so kind? Wrong!

According to my friend, he barely hugs people in real life. I heard he doesn’t even smile. The real Biden is a huge jerk. Apparently he is rude, like actually rude. My friend said that Biden comes into work every day without making eye contact with anyone, he never says thank you when you compliment him, and once, when she asked how his weekend was, he didn’t even respond. He just walked right past her.

I’m sorry, but can you imagine? Imagine asking a coworker how their weekend was and they walk right past you. I’d be so pissed.

Personally, I’d totally call him out.

Biden might seem like this laid-back, chill guy when he’s talking to reporters on TV, but my friend claims that when the cameras go off it’s like a switch flips and he doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself. Sometimes he’ll, like, nod and ask you something about your life, but you can see in his eyes that he doesn’t really care.

Low-key, that’s psycho behavior.

You know what’s super messed up? None of the aides even like him. He has no friends! Not even Kamala—they don’t even talk. My friend said Biden doesn’t even go out for drinks with the staff. Like, ever. Though, for what it’s worth, I’ve heard all of the other cabinet members are mean, too. Everyone likes my friend though because she’s actually nice.  

That’s why it’s sooo weird that everyone at the White House pretends like they like him. “Good morning, Mr. President.” “Glad to see you Mr. President.” “I appreciate it, Mr. President.” Just because he’s fake doesn’t mean you have to act that way, too! Sometimes my friend swears Biden’s advisors are worse than him. Not really, though. No one could be worse than him. 

This is why my blood BOILS when I hear anyone talking about a reelection bid. Is Biden too old? Can he win again? Should he step down and give someone else a chance? Stop dancing around the subject and address the real issue at hand, which is that Joe Biden is a fake bitch. 

You can’t tell anyone I told you this, by the way. This can’t get back to Biden. My friend would be so screwed. She needs this job, trust me. I’ve heard she has a lot of credit card debt.

Then again, my friend might be exaggerating. She can be shady. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she has borderline or something.

The Onion
The Onion