Obama's College Apartment On The Market

The New York apartment President Barack Obama inhabited while he was a student at Columbia University is available for rent at $1,900 a month. Here are some other pieces of Obama’s past you can buy or rent:

Box of Playboy magazines filled with notes in the articles’ margins—$125

Bar napkin on which he plotted out his entire presidency—$340

Garter belts from Rocky Horror Frank-N-Furter costume—$3,000

First mix tape ever made by Barack, featuring Kool and the Gang, James Taylor—$55,000

Hastily scribbled list of pros and cons of dating Michelle Obama—$300,000

Birthday card from Weather Underground—$125,000

First draft of his iconic 2008 campaign poster bearing the phrase “Positive Expectation” instead of “Hope”—$25,000

Complete set of Treasury bonds he created in 2009—$1.4 trillion