
Night Watchman Keeps Leno Under Close Surveillance

DUNCANVILLE, TX–Ray Shymanski, a night watchman at a Duncanville auto-parts warehouse, has been keeping an extra-close eye out for Tonight Show host Jay Leno, it was learned Tuesday. For nearly two months, Shymanski has not let Leno out of his sight, following him closely on a five-inch portable monitor he brings to work each night. “What Mr. Leno says, I will hear. What he does, I will see,” the determined Shymanski said. “Leno will not leave my sight at any time, even if I have to wait for commercial breaks to go to the bathroom.” Shymanski, also known for his close observation of Conan O’Brien and Tom Snyder, said that Leno will continue to be singled out. “Leno had better not try anything funny,” he warned ominously.