NFL Playoffs 2010

As the playoffs begin, Onion Sports offers an analysis of each team’s chances to win it all.


Packers: Despite showing great resolve to make the playoffs, the Band-Aids and loose stitching holding the rest of the roster’s appendages together can’t last forever

Saints: Still the feel-good favorite, so given the way the world’s been going lately, their plane will probably crash and kill them all pretty soon

Seahawks: Have the most potential, by definition

Eagles: The feel-good pick if you’re a cat person

Bears: As a two seed, Chicago is granted the luxury of waiting an extra week to get embarrassed at home

Falcons: Have been a surprise all year, so prepare to be surprised again, depending on whether you expect them to win or lose


Jets: Yes, this team is in the playoffs

Ravens: Have everything you want in a playoff team, but not enough to keep you from just talking about The Wire for 90 percent of their game

Chiefs: A hardworking team that plays to its strengths, K.C. probably won’t lose more than one game this postseason

Colts: Could come up with a few big wins if they’re able to find a random man to put on a blue shirt and run toward the end zone

Steelers: Need to have more confidence in their running game, or at least lie and pretend they do

Patriots: …Sigh