
New iPhone Setting Reduces Eyestrain With Black Text On Identical Black Background

CUPERTINO, CA—With an upgrade it described as a game changer for the optometric health of its users, Apple announced Tuesday it had created a new iOS setting for iPhone that would reduce eyestrain by displaying black text on a black background of an identical shade. “Apple is proud to introduce an even darker ‘dark mode’ setting that reduces the glare from our screens far more than our previous dark modes,” spokesperson Gina Martinez said during a live demonstration in which the new feature was activated on an iPhone 13 Pro, causing both the words and the background on its display to fade completely to black. “By now, we’re all familiar with the degenerative effects of blue light on human vision, but with this revolutionary new technology, we have managed to reduce those effects by 100%. Simply toggle the setting on, and all wavelengths from the visible spectrum are totally eliminated, providing a far smoother and gentler reading experiencing.” At press time, Martinez was reportedly struggling to navigate back to settings to turn the feature off.

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