
New Drug Lengthens Eyelashes

A glaucoma drug called Lumigan is now being marketed for its side effect of growing eyelashes longer. What do you think?

Jerome Blair • Mechanic

“No thanks. My current glaucoma medication has the more beneficial side effect of getting me high off my ass.”

Jerome Blair • Mechanic

Geoff Hooper • Window Dresser

“Why not just come out and say that you don’t like my eyelashes?! Oh God, I’m sorry. I just feel so inadequate and angry about my tiny lashes.”

Geoff Hooper • Window Dresser

Charlotte Tydrich • Mail Sorter

“After 10 weeks of use, my eyelashes have never been fuller and longer and I am unequivocally a better person because of it.”

Charlotte Tydrich • Mail Sorter