
Netflix’s ‘The Crown’, ‘Lupin’ Sets Robbed Of $500K In Props, Equipment

Netflix has been the victim of two big on-set robberies in the space of two days, with thieves stealing $200,000 worth of props from The Crown and $330,000 worth of equipment from the set of Lupin in Paris. What do you think?

Agatha Melero, Tank Valet

“I wonder what ki

Agatha Melero, Tank Valet

Charles Kirby, Doomsday Meal Prepper

“Yet another reason to buy premade shows from South Korea.”

Charles Kirby, Doomsday Meal Prepper

Austin Stensjo, Comma Expert

“I think I have some leftover gaffer’s tape lying around, if it helps.”

Austin Stensjo, Comma Expert