
Near-Death Experience Followed By Right-On-The-Money Death Experience

PORTLAND, OR—A near-death experience was followed by one of the right-on-the-money variety Monday, when local mechanic Gabe Hoover narrowly averted choking to death on a chicken bone, only to be run over by a city bus later the same day. “As I began to lose consciousness from the lack of oxygen, I saw a bright, welcoming light, and I heard a voice calling out to me that sounded like my deceased mother,” said Hoover, describing his near-death experience an hour before being struck dead. “I felt incredibly at peace, but then, suddenly, another voice told me to go back, saying I wasn’t finished with my work on Earth.” Hoover continued his work on Earth for another 64 minutes, at which point he hit the death nail right on the head, walking swiftly and directly into the light.