NBC Confirms 'The Event' To Represent America In New Olympic Event

NEW YORK—NBC Sports confirmed Friday that the one-hour science-fiction drama The Event will represent the United States in an event recently added to the 2012 Summer Olympics. “This new event calls for perfection, precision, grace, and an innate flare for the dramatic, so we here at NBC can’t think of a better competitor than The Event, led by team captain Blair Underwood as President Elias Martinez; Jason Ritter as video-game programmer Sean Walker; and Zeljko Ivanek as Blake, the director of national intelligence who has long kept secrets from the president,” NBC Sports chairman Dick Ebersol said during a press conference in which he repeatedly stressed that, with the strengths of both Lost and 24 and none of the weaknesses of V or FlashForward, The Event will shatter every record in the event and have no trouble taking home the gold. “The entire country should do its part and support The Event in 2012. But why wait? Remember The Event airs every Monday at 9 p.m. Eastern, 8 Central. And catch previous episodes of The Event on NBC.com/The-Event.” Added Ebersol before leaving the podium, “The Event.”