
Nation’s Centrists Stubbornly Double Down On Claim That Roe v. Wade Not At Risk

NEW YORK—Asserting there was no need to worry about the highly unlikely outcome, the nation’s centrists reportedly doubled down Friday on their claim that Roe v. Wade was not at risk. “People are blowing this whole idea of overturning Roe completely out of proportion—it’s just not going to happen,” said outspoken centrist Peter Gesson, stressing that the Supreme Court would almost certainly respect the precedent set by the seminal 1973 ruling on women’s reproductive rights. “Basically, there’s a legal principle called stare decisis. That means past judicial decisions stay in place unless there’s a compelling reason to change them. I can send you an Atlantic article about it, if you’re interested. Anyway, these justices are all thoughtful individuals with a deep knowledge of how our legal system works. They aren’t going to throw out a ruling that’s given our country stability for almost half a century.” The nation’s centrists added that they were even more certain the Supreme Court wouldn’t be coming for gay marriage and contraceptives next.

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