Nation Confused As To Why Joe Biden Still On TV Sometimes

WASHINGTON—Asking whether he was somehow still running for president or promoting an upcoming reality show, the nation was reportedly confused Friday as to why Joe Biden was still on television sometimes. “I saw him on TV the other day and immediately assumed he had died or was sick or something, because why else would I be seeing him on there?” asked Sandy Wolcott, 52, who noted that she thought there was some guy from Minnesota or a woman she was supposed to be seeing instead. “Sometimes it’s two or three days in a row I’ll see him on the news, even though I thought he wasn’t important anymore. I don’t know if this is a Jimmy Carter thing? Like is he doing charity? Because otherwise this just feels like sad attention-seeking. I usually just flip to something else when I see him because I know it’s not important and TV is for important stuff.” Wolcott added that if Biden was on TV because he really needed money, she would be happy to donate $10 to help him.