
Murder Down In The Big Apple

Murder rates dropped in New York City for the third straight year in 1996, with total homicides in the city under 1,000 for the first time since the mid-1960s. What do you think of the surprising statistics?

Evelyn Boucai • Parole Officer

“I guess the murderers are finally realizing it’s about quality, not quantity.”

Evelyn Boucai • Parole Officer

Roger Gifford • Systems Analyst

“I’m baffled. In 1996, I killed twice as many people as usual, and still this decline. Someone’s not pulling their weight.”

Roger Gifford • Systems Analyst

Don Auletta • Speech Pathologist

“I heard that the New York murder rate was under 1,000, but once I get that backstage pass to

Don Auletta • Speech Pathologist

Mitch Dubin • Plumber

“The murder rate is plummeting as people over the age of 75 continue to die. No, wait—that’s

Mitch Dubin • Plumber

Sima Storch • Lawyer

“Does this number include the countless murders that were committed against helpless fetuses in my womb? If not, add three more for ’96.”

Sima Storch • Lawyer

Stan Pagiavlas • Actuary

“Hmm… New York City’s murder rate is down. So how is the Internet helping to shape our view of this important phenomenon? Hi, I’m

Stan Pagiavlas • Actuary