Movie Fails To Deliver Stupidity Promised in Preview

HERMOSA BEACH, CA–A weekend trip to the movies ended in disappointment Saturday, when the new Paramount Pictures comedy Don’t Be Cruel failed to deliver the stupidity promised in its preview. “In the commercial, the main guy gets attacked by a chihuahua, hit in the face with a rake, and electrocuted by a toaster, so I thought it was gonna be really stupid,” disillusioned moviegoer Vincent Curtis, 20, said. “But then, in the actual movie, there’s only like 10 minutes of that kind of retarded stuff.” Fellow moviegoer Bobby Williams, 21, agreed. “They totally just put those dumb scenes in the trailer to get you to see the movie, but then when you see it, it’s all about how hard it is to find love and stuff,” Williams said. “Who wants to see that?” Williams added that it’s such total bullshit how they do that.