
More Teens Trying To ‘Vape’ Marijuana

A study of Connecticut teens revealed that 1 in 5 high schoolers who use e-cigarettes have tried smoking marijuana out of the device, a practice that could put them at risk of inhaling too high a concentration of THC and harming the brain. What do you think?

Emmett Goldrich • Systems Analyst

“They’re high schoolers. They’re bound to experiment with vaping this or swatting that.”

Emmett Goldrich • Systems Analyst

Marjorie Roland • County Fair Judge

“The next generation is already hard at work on the innovations of tomorrow.”

Marjorie Roland • County Fair Judge

Vic Boylan • Currency Exchanger

“You’d think teens would learn to smoke pot properly by watching how I do it in the high school parking lot.”

Vic Boylan • Currency Exchanger