Mood In Gotham City Rogues Training Camp Upbeat

GOTHAM CITY—At a press conference following Monday’s practice, newly appointed Rogues head coach Adam Kewell said the team was feeling cheerfully optimistic about the upcoming season despite the constant reminder of the devastating terrorist attacks that killed thousands in the city last winter. “Obviously football had to take a backseat for a while there, and our thoughts are with all the victims and their families,” said Kewell, referring to the bombings that destroyed much of the city’s infrastructure and obliterated the field at Gotham Stadium, forcing the Rogues to play home games at Gotham Tech Stadium. “We only have one player left on the roster from last season, but everyone in this organization knows how important football is to the Gotham community, especially this year. If we can help the healing process by winning some football games, then that’s exactly what we’re going to do.” Rogues officials later unveiled the team’s new jerseys, which feature 89 black patches commemorating the Gotham City players and coaches who lost their lives during the tragic attacks.