Mom Finds Disturbing Reading Material In Teenage Son’s Bedroom

OMAHA, NE—Saying she felt disgusted and saddened by the shocking discovery, local woman Beth Loomis told reporters Thursday that she was deeply disturbed after finding recruitment reading material from the Baylor University football team in her teenage son’s bedroom. “I was taking the sheets off Ryan’s bed for washing, and I happened to notice some of these vile images just sitting there tucked underneath his pillow,” said the mother of the highly touted 16-year-old high school quarterback, adding that she “could not believe [her] eyes” upon seeing the glossy Baylor football brochure filled with double-page spreads touting the program’s benefits and encouraging her son to accept an athletic scholarship from the university. “It just sickens me to think that my child is looking at this kind of filth and taking some sort of pleasure in any of it. I honestly thought I raised him better than this.” At press time, Loomis was reportedly sitting her son down to explain how damaging it can be for young men to normalize the kinds of things they see in Baylor football pamphlets.